Umme Habeeba

Lantern Structure Assembly My short film, ' Colours', was screened inside the lantern via projection and viewers opened the door of lantern to watch the screening. LED lights were synchronized to the speakers to change colour with the music. Final installation placed in The Shell, Parkside, Birmingham and screened for an entire day.

Lantern Meaurements Calculating and working our measurements for lantern structure and assembly at 1:25 scale

"Dreams Grow Here" Collaborative Installation Creating a full size immersive installation that narrates the beauty and bond between city and nature in Birmingham. Using the concept of 'comfort of a bedroom' to illustrate the idea of young dreams of education and work to represent the city and growing aspect to highlight nature and natural beauty thats hidden within the city.

The Two Brides Cover Spread Image A Bridal cover magazine image inspired by UK Bride magazine. This image was used to showcase my narrative of the solutions to promote racial and cultural equality through a fashion and beauty ad. It is paired alongside my short ad film, 'The Two Brides', whom I worked with Ketsia Mungaba, to assist with directing and editing of the final film. The perspective comes from my own view as a British born, Pakistani women, enabled to embrace, share and celebrate both sides of my cultural identity. Makeup, hair and styling were all create by myself.

Lantern designs Planning and design concept for prop lantern to project my short film about racial and cultural acceptance and justice. The inspiration for the lantern stems from my narrative of my film Colours which navigates my childhood and my parents cultural heritage through play and interaction via shadows that were created using traditional decorative South Asian lanterns whilst growing up in Pakistan.

The Two Brides Cover Spread Image
Umme Habeeba
My skillset lies within the design and creative visual bracket. Iām a versatile learner and designer with experience in digital art and design as well as 2d and 3d and technical visual concept and production design: which are used for film, tv, theatre, exhibition, installation and event productions. My art is inspired by my Pakistani heritage and British roots and wish to invoke audiences through mediums of immersive environments, cultural education, whimsical creation and celebration for the arts.