Aine Wills
Aine Wills
Hi, my name Is Aine Wills, originally from Belfast, Northern Ireland and currently based near London. Over the last 3 years I have developed a strong passion for installation and exhibition design, focusing on immersive spatial design and audience interaction.
I am proficient with industry standard software tools, including Vectorworks, autoCAD, InDesign, and Photoshop (ACA accredited).
I enjoy both the theoretical aspects of design and their implementation in practice. I have a focused approach to design, taking strong inspiration from a chosen theme to direct the larger project as a whole.
I love getting my hands dirty, physically crafting the elements I have designed – I am not afraid of a bit of hard labour and a saw.
I am currently taking a year out to work and to travel. During this year I am looking for practical and design opportunities to further my skills before continuing to obtain a Masters.